| Antenna crew. | | | Tommy KN4ZFH and Barry W4NIC. | | | Doc Dave KG4HVQ and the other David W4TRX. | |
| Nathan KF4VJE working the radio. | | | Nick KQ4GIO. | | | David W4TRX. | |
| Almost finished! | | | Clara KO4OQB | | | Steve KM4HKB, Doc Dave KG4HVQ and Garry KN4RAV. | | | Background noise crew assisting Barry W4NIC. | | | Is it groceries yet? | | | Looks good! | | | Antenna crew. | | | Barry W4NIC and Tommy KN4ZFH | | | Dale KF4OAX and Lanai KM4FDL | | | Bradley KO4RQS in the Treasure Truck. | | | Doc Dave KG4HVQ, Barry W4NIC and Jerry WB4OWC manning the hallway. | | | Doc Dave KG4HVQ greets new member Rodger N4RDJ. | | | Only kidding. | | | Bob KE4QCY and Glenn KE4YZK | | | Working 15 meters. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Doc Dave's office, home of 2023 Field Day. | | | Lanai KM4FDL. | | | Barry W4NIC | | | Bradley KO4RQS and Mike KG4IMI. | | | Tommy KN4ZFH has already decided that the sign won't affect propagation while Doc Dave KG4HVQ, Steve KM4HKB and Garry KN4RAV are still thinking about it. | | | Erecting antennas is hard work. | | | Steve KM4HKB | | | Clara KO4OQB, Doc Dave KG4HVQ, Danny KN4VYC seeing if it's safe to come in, Lee Ann KM4DII, Jerry WB4OWC | | | Barry W4NIC and Tommy KN4ZFH. | | | Mike KG4IMI logs a contact while Roger KK4UDU and Bradley KO4RQS look on. | | | Tommy KN4ZFH, Lee Ann KM4DII, Jerry WB4OWC | | | Garry KN4RAV and Barry W4NIC discussing world events. | | | Barry W4NIC and Tommy KN4ZFH taking a break. | | | Clara KO4OQB brings some goodies. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Chef Teresa KF4IZU. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Doc Dave KG4HVQ (BCARC President) and Garry KN4RAV (Field Day Chair). | | | Antenna crew. | | | Bradley KO4RQS working 40 meters. | | | Call log, just getting started. | | | Bradley KO4RQS | | | Bradley KO4RQS, Glenn KE4YZK and Bob KE4QCY unloading gear from Bradley's Treasure Truck | | | Jerry WB4OWC, Barry W4NIC, and Bradley KO4RQS listen to Roger Parsons KK4UDU, ARRL Section Manager for Alabama. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Bob KE4QCY. | | | Bob KE4QCY. | | | Break time. | | | Dale KF4OAX | | | Antenna Crew. | | | Steve KM4HKB and Danny KN4VYC trying to remember who has Danny's camera. Bradley KO4RQS knows but he's not sayin'. | | | Danny KN4VYC and Barry W4NIC working 40 meters. | | | Mike KG4IMI | | | Maggie and Bradley KO4RQS. | | | Danny KN4VYC | | | Garry KN4RAV (Field Day Chair), Tim Thomas KO4CHB (ARRL Emergency Coordinator for Alabama Section), and Doc Dave KG4HVQ (BCARC President). | | | Barry W4NIC working 40 meters. | | | Tommy KN4ZFH and Nick KQ4GIO. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Garry KN4RAV, Lanai KM4FDL, Clara KO4OQB, Doc Dave KG4HVQ | | | Lanai KM4FDL and Maggie, who's not having any of this. | | | J.T. W4JTS, Nathan KF4VJE, Doc Dave KG4HVQ and Keith KF4TAP. | | | Looks good. | | | Antenna crew. | | | Bob KE4QCY steps off the antenna wire. | | | What do we do next, Bob? | | | Nathan KF4VJE working the radio. | |