
W4BLT.org - Photos Portal
Here are some photos from the vast BCARC archives.
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Field Day 2024 -June 22&23, 2024
Repeater Clean-up Day, April 13, 2024
POTA at Big Canoe Creek Nature Preserve.
FreezeFest 2024 - January 6, 2024.
POTA at Rickwood Caverns K-1050 - September 16, 2023
POTA Activation of K-0158 - September 14, 2023
Test POTA Activation - August 31, 2023
Field Day 2023
FreezeFest 2023
Field Day 2022
Field Day 2021
Holiday Party 2019
Field Day 2019
Field Day 2020
FreezeFest 2020
Other Photos

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