
W4BLT.org - Photographs
FreezeFest 2024 - January 6, 2024.
We had a great turnout for FreezeFest this year!
KO4OQB Clara passed her General Class exam!
KO4OQB Clara passed her General Class exam!
KQ4ETC Phillip taking up admission money.
KQ4ETC Phillip taking up admission money.
KG4HVQ Doc Dave (BCARC President).
KG4HVQ Doc Dave (BCARC President).
Local Hams were encouraged to join the BCARC.
Local Hams were encouraged to join the BCARC.
Volunteer Examiners.
Volunteer Examiners.
KN4ZFH Tommy selling raffle tickets.
KN4ZFH Tommy selling raffle tickets.
Nick passed his Extra Class exam!
Nick passed his Extra Class exam!
Eager crowd searching for stuff.
Eager crowd searching for stuff.
They might be talking about radios...?
They might be talking about radios...?
KM4DII Lee Ann and KF4OAX Dale share a laugh while WB4OWC Jerry photobombs.
KM4DII Lee Ann and KF4OAX Dale share a laugh while WB4OWC Jerry photobombs.
Eager crowd searching for stuff.
Eager crowd searching for stuff.
KF4OAX Dale and W4NIC Barry.
KF4OAX Dale and W4NIC Barry.
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